April DeConick Palette Dyes™ are measured using a 0.01 gram scale.
April DeConick Palette Dyes™ do not have fillers to increase their weight and volume, but are pure dyes. The salt fillers found in most commercial dyes decrease the ability of dyes to dissolve, which sometimes results in grains of dyes marking or flecking the wool. Because my Palette Dyes™ are pure dyes, they are extremely easy to dissolve in boiling water. They are also very light weight and powdery. Not only does a tiny bit go a long way, but it can make a big difference in what overall color you achieve.
So April DeConick Palette Dyes™ are measured using a 0.01 gram scale. The measurements on the recipes cards are in grams, not volume measures like teaspoons. While we are not used to using scales, they are fun and convenient once you know what you are doing. Pocket scales are cheap, accurate, and easy to use as I demonstrate in this video.